SCS Women in Tech

Summer Mentorship Program

An inclusive mentorship program designed to connect professional alumnae and current students.

Thank you for your interest in the SCS Women in Tech Summer Mentorship Program. This program aims to pair current students serving as summer interns with SCS alumnae working in a similar field.

The program runs May–August 2023.

Presented by the SCS Office of Alumni Relations.

How It Works

Our mentors are passionate about helping current students, and current students are seeking guidance and wisdom from those who have been in their shoes. To support mentees in driving and initiating a mentorship relationship, the SCS Office of Alumni Relations (SOAR) will host a training workshop to discuss expectations and provide resource materials to ensure a meaningful and fruitful experience for all involved. SOAR will make the initial introduction between the mentee and the mentor and will be available for ongoing support throughout the summer.


February 20: Mentor application deadline
March 20: Mentee application deadline
April: Mentee program acceptance, mentor matching, and mentee training workshop
May 15: SOAR sends mentor/mentee introduction email
June 12: Communication agreement and goal form due
July 10: Mid-program check-in and goal form review
August 25: End of program and post-program survey
